Final weigh-in!

Hello all followers, supporters, and farmers of 826 Valencia's Mustache-a-Thon!
The season for growing is finished, but we all had such a great time watching the crops grow! We are thrilled to announce the grand total that each farmer raised:

Charles: $3250

Adam: $3154.80

Steven: $1536

Jean-Claude: $784.11

Grahme: $725

Rick: $700

Joel: $685.13

Ellen: $613

Bud: $507

Jon: $506

Nate: $503

Jason: $364

JB: $317

Tom: $310

Evan: $292

Rhodes: $287

Chris: $260

Jeff: $180

Thank you all so much for your participation. It was great fun! Get excited for next year's brand new season of mustache growing!

Are you kidding me?

No you didn't.
Oh— No you didn't.

Er, yes we did.

Initially we thought: perhaps we'll reel in a happy $5000. Then when more farmers came along we thought: nah, let's push for $10,000. And we were thrilled at the thought of that, slightly incredulous that it could happen, but thrilled nonetheless.

But then somehow, out of nowhere, our troops pulled their socks up and combed their 'staches out. The final few days saw thousands of dollars pouring into the 826 Valencia fund.

It's insane. Insanely brilliant, that is. Some of us bright young things here at 826 have had to sit the GRE Math exam, but even we couldn't work out that

18 mustaches x 6 weeks > $15,000

Sorry, did you get that? We managed to raise over $15,000!!!

Donors: you rule!
Farmers: you rule!

Students of 826: you win win win!

Seriously, all of us are staggered at the efforts of the 'stache-farmers (both in terms of money raised and hairs cultivated). And we are overwhelmed with gratitude to all of you who sponsored one, or some, of these wonderful folk. If it wasn't for people like you, we wouldn't be able to continue doing what we do.

Thank you!

So with a whimper and a sob we'll say adieu. We'll miss you.

Take a look at the pictures of the big night...

Photos: Week Five

Never, at the start of a mad mustache mission such as this, never did we imagine how obsessed we'd become about a few little hairs. And now that we're in the final week, we here at 826 Valencia confess to a tear or two rolling down our sad cheek.

No more: how do you drink Guiness without looking like a hirsute milk model?
No more: Who has mocked you? Well, what do they know. You are sporting a 'stache now and it does look good. Of course you should keep it. Of course.
No more: Hey, are you a Frieda Kahlo look-a-like?

What better chat-up line? What better dinner-party gambit? What better way to celebrate 826 in all its hairy glory? But the mission is complete, the farming over. We've raised much more than the $10, 000 we were hoping for - and that is in a large part due to those farmers who've managed to go far beyond their individual $500 goal. Charles, Adam, Steve: you are the men amongst the boys. Everyone of course has done their bit, and we're thrilled to be able to reward their painstaking pogonotrophic efforts with fun t-shirts and a party.

Yes, a party. The Onion newspaper is helping 826 Valencia throw a bash for these 18 fabulous folks. Next Tuesday, June 5th, at 12 Galaxies, all are welcome to come meet our farmers in the flesh, to stroke their 'staches, and to judge for themselves who has the Frieda Kahlo and who the Che Guevara.

Until then, y'all, keep smiling. Because, afterall, the world is a fanstachestic place.

Simply click on your farmer's name to sponsor him or her!
826 Valencia is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. For donations over $25, you'll receive the tax ID number by mail as the competition draws to a close.

Photos: Week Four

Growers: Notes from last night:
This is a game of two halves, and the second half has a bit of a way to go to beat the first.
There's no time left for thinking you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
The grass (past the $500 line) really is greener.
We are looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Pimp your 'stache. Raise the cash.
There is no I in "team".

One week to go. We stand proud.

Sponsors: There is still time! Time to save some of these feckless (J.K.- B.F.F.!!) farmers from the doom and gloom of falling below their $500 goal. You are the watering can on their sunflower, the sun on their seedlings, the (100% organic) fertilzer on their crops. We've said it before and— because we think it sounds really good— we'll say it again: put your money where their mustache is!

Simply click on your farmer's name to sponsor him or her!
826 Valencia is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. For donations over $25, you'll receive the tax ID number by mail as the competition draws to a close.

Photos: Week Three

Growers: You guys... Just swell, just swell. We here at 826 Valencia apologize to those of you we doubted, initially, when we looked at you and thought "Nah, nice of you to offer but, um, never gonna happen." We were wrong, decidedly wrong. And what's most exciting of all is that each of your little furry friends seems to have developed a character all of its own. Some are outrageous: they'd get chucked out of a bar long before closing. Others are rather more demure, but with a hint, nevertheless, of something a little darker lurking underneath (and no— we are not talking burnt bagel crumbs.) We hope you are enjoying nurturing your 'stache as much as we are watching their weekly progress. Parenthood, hey— who knew? Who knew we'd feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside, while you lot get much warmer and fuzzier on the out.

This is special, guys. Really, really special.

Sponsors: these lads (and lady) are working Very Very hard on their follicles. As much as they are comforted by our emotional support ("YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! GO 'STACHE GO!"), what they're really after is your financial support. Help! So far 3 of our plucky farmers have reached their $500 goal. Others still have a way to go. Please put your money where their mustache is. Thank you!

Simply click on your farmer's name to sponsor him or her!
826 Valencia is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. For donations over $25, you'll receive the tax ID number by mail as the competition draws to a close.